Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fahrenheit 43

Meet The Band:
Richie: Lead Vocals/ Acoustic/Piano
Elmo: Drums/Percussion
Grant: Bass/Backing Vocals
Sparty: Lead Guitar/ Backing Vocals

"Many newborn babies have been sacrificed to the God's of Rock for this career to flourish.  I had to write my name in blood and pledge my soul to the devil in order to get a pass for my band." Haha.

That is just one of the many precious gems that Richie gave me, in fact his entire interview was so just so perfect that I find myself fighting the urge to quote it in it's entirety. 

Fahrenheit 43 is a band from Melbourne, Austrailia (my first international interview, woohoo), they've been together for about four years and play their own form of radio friendly pop rock music that boasts a sense of urgency and depth, combined with mature lyrics left open to any interpretation.  Musically, the guys come from totally different backgrounds, each finding its way flawlessly into their own.  Richie told me that he and Elmo come from similar upbringings, not ever really belonging to one particular genre.  "We were just children of music our whole lives, I mean, we still laugh about having both made out with girls listening to '50 Candles' by Boyz II Men, haha." Sparty loves John Mayer and a lot of other really bluesy soulful guitars but can get right into progressive rock bands like Angels and Airwaves, and the Foo Fighters.  Grant comes from a more hardcore background, he brings a lot of the harder, edgier sound to Fahrenheit 43's music, Richie described him as a "musical encyclopedia."  The guys named The Dangerous Summer as the band they would most like to share the stage with.  I'm just getting into The Dangerous Summer myself but I couldn't agree more that AJ's lyrics have a sense of urgency and knowledge to them that is absolutely captivating. 

"I try to find appreciation in everything I hear, I think we do that as a band constantly, it's definitely a key to evolving and staying relevant."

I wasn't shy about telling Richie that his interview was one of the most perfect I've gotten so far, when I asked him what inspires him, the answer he gave made me melt:

"Seeing art that comes from the fucking heart!  To see music played from the fucking heart!  It gets me hard and makes me want to flip the bird at the world and say 'fuck you!"  We found the secret to life....find what you love and do that forever."  (Richie, I'm officially putty in your hands, haha).

A year from now the guys of Fahrenheit 43 want to have their debut album out and begin recording their sophomore album with Paul Leavitt (All Time Low, The Dangerous Summer, Heroes For Hire).  "The band is in a position to really start heavily touring and ultimately we want to bring our sound to the US and really start working that territory; but you've got to own your own city first- so really, a year from now, we want to be one of the most popular bands in Melbourne."  As for Richie, the end all be all of his music career involves creating something that helps develop and grow this scene.  "I have a real passion to see people play from their hearts.  I'd want to be involved in a mentoring sense, perhaps a small record label.  We'd invest entirely in the artists we believe in.  Many times, that's all it takes for someone to really flourish, just to have that one person that really believes in them."

I've started asking bands how they respond to the hate, I've seen how hard it is for some people to understand the life these guys have chosen, nearly giving everything up to persue a dream, the answers to this question are some of the realist I've ever gotten, here's Richie's:

"Firstly, in life, and it doesn't matter what you do, there will always be haters.  There will always be people who will want to secretly toast to your failure because not everyone has found what they love.  Not everyone will respect you for trying to make a living being an artist.  The ignorance of humans is that they will hear music on the radio or see music videos on TV and only see that.  They don't see the years and years of work that needed to happen to get to that point.  Some people need to come to that realization on their own.  All you can do is keep working hard, let your haters become your motivation.  Let them remind you why you still wake up everyday to live your dream.  The people around you eventually witness the the work ethic and commitment you have to your art.  So it's a matter of earning that respect and working your ass off.  If you're not the best, you've got work harder than the best."

He thinks he talks too much, but couldn't you just let him talk all day long?  The passion that I got to witness just from reading one email is astounding, now listen to their music and it'll blow your mind.

"Music is a cruel mistress and she will never ever share you with anyone or anything else.  You're a fool to believe you can- your talent, your playing, your writing, and your career will all suffer.  She will make sure of that...but in the end, if you believe in yourself and each other, and you do it honestly, the dream will manifest itself into a reality."  The guys of Fahrenheit 43 are married to the music, for better or for worse, but that's what makes it so perfect, that kind of passion is intoxicating, and it's something we could all use a little more of.  These guys are doing big things, mark my words. 

p.s. I'm a smart girl but 'Fahrenheit' has to be the hardest world to spell ever, I think I misspelled it EVERY time I wrote it!

To LIKE Fahrenheit 43 on Facebook click here!

To FOLLOW @Fahrenheit43 on Twitter click here!

To browse their youtube channel click here! (there is a precious video of a giggly Richie in the morning, just saying)

To visit their official site:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Plastic Smiles

Meet The Band:
Dave Gomez: Vocals/Guitar
Colin Ignots: Drums
Dom Talerico: Vocals/Bass

Being the Florida girl that I am, I spend most of my days off soaking up some sun and listening to music by the pool or the beach (and tweeting every 5 minutes since apparently that's the kind of girl I've become).  Last week I was laying by the pool thinking about how awesome and terrible it would be to tour with a band, I'm the kind of girl who can hang with a bunch of guys and listen to LOUD music for countless hours (hence the name of my blog) but I also cherish showers and a good nights sleep which leads me to believe I might hate it.  Either way, as with every other thought in my head, I tweeted about it offering my services as a merch girl.  The funniest and best response I got was from Colin who said "dress slutty and sell our shit."  If his band wasn't from Chicago that's an offer I wouldn't pass up, but alas, I live in Florida so Colin and I will both have to settle for me featuring his band.

Plastic Smiles is a pop punk band from the south suburbs of Chicago that rocks like Jimmy Eat World, New Found Glory, and Blink 182, bands they named as their musical influences.  As I sit here typing this post, cuddly kitty cat purring by my side, their EP Deadlines is playing LOUDLY out of my ipad speaker and I'm loving every minute of it; for some reason the song "Runaway" really caught my attention and I actually played it 3 times in a row.  Colin (drummer) has been playing music since he was younger and began playing with bands when he was a teenager, when asked who he'd most like to share the stage with he answered "realistically: Allister, unrealistcally: Blink."  If there is one thing I've learned about him, it's how much he loves Blink 182 (and baby seals, somethings we have in common haha), which isn't a secret considering his Twitter handle.  He told me that as he grew up he could pop in on of their albums and everything would get better; I love that feeling, no matter what kind of hell life puts me through, nothing can cheer me up like listening to my favorite band.

As an ultimate goal, Colin said "I would love put out an EP or full length that I am truly proud of, something that can connect with people and will be a timeless release."  Putting out a classic album would be the end all be all for them; writing and playing what they love is the most important thing.  The guys of Plastic Smiles made it clear that changing their music to conform to what is current and trendy isn't an option; that is something I love to hear, I never want to love a song that I know was written because it would sell, I want to hear and connect with music that is the heart and soul of the person who writes and plays it; that's what pop punk music and Plastic Smiles is all about.  The guys aren't afraid to make sacrifices to make their dream a reality:

"Not everyone is going to be a fan of what you're doing and I respect that- Time, money, outings, relationships- I'll give up what needs to be given up to keep what I love going.  It's what makes it all worth it."

To LIKE Plastic Smiles on Facebook click here!

To FOLLOW @PlasticSmilesIL on Twitter click here!

While you're at it Follow @Poppunkwayo (run by Colin) for the latest music, music videos, free downloads, & dick jokes.

To browse their official website click here!

To download their EP for FREE click here!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Meet The Band:
Tim McGrath: Vocals
Eli Hawes: Bass/Vocals
John Ventura: Guitar/Vocals
Patrick McCafferty: Guitar/Vocals
Dave Walker: Drums

IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, GO FOR IT- that's what this band is all about and it's perfect for where I am in my life right now.  About three weeks ago, I was sitting on my the floor of my teeny tiny one bedroom apartment, drinking a  beer, and making myself look beautiful for a night out with my cousin, my firey red headed best friend, and some other cool people- which is a pretty standard Thursday night in this college town.  The song Graveyard Dancing by D.R.U.G.S. (I lust so hard after Craig Owens it's not even funny) blaring out of my little iPad speaker as I hear the familiar ding that tells me I have a direct message on Twitter- from Tim.  The reason for all this nonsense about that night is simple- Tim and Trophies were the first band to reach out to me, although I did place them on a list of bands I wanted to interview that very morning (written on my bathroom mirror, I'm such a girl).  I couldn't have been more excited, except for maybe 2 days ago when he sent me a preview of their EP, which I can't stop listening to (What You Want To Be is killer).  Something as simple as that DM on Twitter validated something for me and made me want to go after this even harder, so thank you Trophies, not only for making awesome music, but for just being awesome in general and motivating me to go after what I want (and make your post extra special).

"This is for everyone who has stood by us and more importantly cast us aside, without you we would be nothing."  Trophies is a pop punk band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (the greatest city on earth apparently), their unique sound combines the heavier aspect of bands like Four Year Strong and A Day to Remember (2 of my favorites) with a straightforward pop influence.  The guys started writing music together last May (although none of them were new to playing) and find inspiration and motivation in their dreams of playing together until they can't anymore.

"There's nothing we DON'T love about music.  We just want to play what we love and have a good time.  Our friends and family inspire us, anyone we meet really- everyday life is an inspiration."

When asked about their favorites and who they would most like to share the stage with, they all answered differently, I love a band with diverse taste in music.  They mentioned A Day To Remember, Underoath, Thrice, Brand New, Say Anything, Transit, and The Story So Far (I just discovered this band myself, it was love at first listen). We all relate ourselves to the music of our favorite bands, and that's probably what drew me into Trophies so deeply, the first line in the first track on their EP says it all.  Trophies is about staying true, being real, having a good time, and making awesome music.  They live life to the fullest, look at all of their supporters as a family, and go after what they want.  They have influenced and motivated me more than they will ever know, keep an out of these guys- they're doing it big.

And we are SO going to rage if you all ever come to Florida, book a show in Jacksonville and I promise to pack the house! :-)

Look for the release of their EP Room To Grow on May 26th, like I said I've heard it and it's awesome!  To catch a listen of the song I mentioned above What You Want To Be click here!

To LIKE Trophies on Facebook click here!

To FOLLOW @weareTrophies on Twitter click here!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Boom Boom Crash

Meet The Band:
John Maxwell: Vocals
Jason Jepson: Drums
Tom Linnane: Bass/ Back up vocals

I may or may not have just watched a five minute youtube video of John and Jason cooking dinner, I will admit to laughing my ass off at Jason eating cheese out the bag the whole time-since if you ask my mom that's how I "help" her cook too.

Boom Boom Crash is an electro-pop rock band based out of Boston, Massachusetts; when they aren't busy going to Taco Bell and "looking like hipsters" they are making music they describe as an "electrogasm for your ears."  Best. Description. Ever.  I giggled to myself the day I tweeted at them that their song "Tap" gave me an electrogasm (if you follow me on Twitter you know I always say the most appropriate things, haha).  In fact, I'm listening to that very song as I write this.  4, 3, 2 ,1.....Now I'm ready to go.

The guys of Boom Boom Crash all started playing music at a young age and name bands like These Kids Wear Crowns, Let's Get It, The Summer Set, and Blink 182 as their musical influences, "anything with a good upbeat tempo really."  Judging by their music, it's easy to see that these are three easy going, super fun guys with a passion for life and music- and I can honestly say, they had me laughing out loud reading their email responses (in fact, of all the bands I've written about I think I'd most like to hang out with Boom Boom Crash, I'm pretty sure we'd get along great).

"Music that makes you feel something or that you can connect to is always a plus and gets me going, but for the most part it's just Tom's mom," said John when I asked what inspires him.  Jay followed up with "for the whole part it's Tom's mom but if I were to have any other inspiration it would be meow mix."  Perfection. Tom, possibly feeling a little pressure to conform, also finds inspiration from his mother "but not the same way they mean it." On a more serious note, the guys of Boom Boom Crash love "just being able to play in front of people; and seeing people enjoy our music is just amazing."

When asked who they would most like to share the stage with, the guys mentioned bands like Macy Gray, Insane Clown Posse, and the Backstreet Boys, haha no, "but 'for realz' These Kids Were Crowns all day err day." The guys listed Trophy Scars, The Wonder Years (because Jay likes Lucky Charms and soy milk), and Green Day as some of their favorite bands.   They also named Artist vs. Poet, Man Overboard, and We Are The In Crowd as the music currently playing on their iPods.  Except John, apparently his iPod got stolen, sorry about that bud.  Tom, I can't get enough of We Are The In Crowd lately either and I'm OBSESSED with the song 'I Like it Like That' by Hot Chelle Rae (he said it's his favorite song right now).  In fact, it was the very first song on my "Kickass Summer 2012 Playlist," followed closely by your song 'Tap,' I literally can't stop jamming to it. 

Jay said that Warped 2011 was the best concert he's ever been to because he got backstage passes and "it was a grand ol' time."  Boom Boom Crash has been one of the top featured bands on the Ernie Ball Warped Tour Battle of the Bands page this year, to VOTE for them to play click here, and don't forget that once you've registered you can vote ONCE A DAY.

To LIKE Boom Boom Crash on Facebook click here!

To FOLLOW @BoomBoom_Crash on Twitter Click here!

To browse their youtube channel click here!

Boom Boom Crash is planning to release their EP for FREE download sometime in the next couple of months and plan on being at Bamboozle and Warped for a few dates to promote their music this summer.